Board Game News: Issue 2

Days of Wonder have announced a new small expansion for their hit game Small World, along with reprints of Cursed and Dames. The new expansion Tales and Legends is basically an event deck that will help to randomise the game even more so that no two plays will ever be the same. Read more about it here.

Expansion 8 for Carcassonne is now on sale in the UK. Bridges, Castles & Bazaars adds, unsurprisingly Bridges, Castles & Bazaars to the base game, introducing a new auction mechanic, further point stealing mechanics and yet more ways to fill gaps you were finding difficult. All that said, this expansion certainly looks better than The Catapult. Rio Grande have yet to include full info on their website, but you can read more on Board Game Geek here.

Alchemy the latest expansion for Dominion is also now on sale in the UK. Introducing 12 new decks plus a new form of currency to the game. You can find more information here.

Z-Man have added Pocket Battles: Orcs and Elves to their Sneak Peaks page. The previous PB game was highly praised by Tom Vasel in his Dice Tower Video Review here. Also a whole slew of new games are slated for a July release, including the controversial Road Kill Rally where you are awarded points for killing pedestrians, a two player Sci-Fi game Perry Rhodan: The Cosmic League and Duel of the Giants, a game of Tank on Tank combat by the designer of Duel in the Dark, to name just a few of the new releases.

Steve Jackson has come out with a couple of new dice games recently, including a push your luck game called Zombie Dice.

Finally Fantasy Flight Games has announced this week’s releases including the New Tannhauser rulebook, it’s 96 pages for only $10 which seems pretty reasonable. Also announced this week, the release of Talisman: The Highlands, an Iphone app for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and an adventure for Dark Heresy.

If that wasn’t enough, there is a great new video on the site about the big box game Horus Heresy that really got me thinking… “Maybe I should get this…” and I don’t even care that much about 40k. Check it out here.  

Don’t forget there are still a few days left to vote in the poll and tell the world what is most important to you when buying games.
