Cool New Look

Despite being my most popular blog Unboxed has really lagged behind with regards to a style update. I hope you all like the new look, I decided to add the second sidebar so that the “What I’m Playing” gadget is more prominent. Also the “pages” bar is now actually visible for a change!

With that little bit of house keeping out of the way, I just wanted to talk for a minute about Games Lore and my latest purchases. What Games Lore has which a few other companies do too (Infinity Games – Search for Not Mint) is a Damaged selection.

Now, I love a nice sturdy, rather beautiful Fantasy Flight box as much as the next man, possibly even more. But, I also love a bargain and the deals Games Lore offers are great. For what is generally just a dent you get about a third off the RRP. I, for example just picked up the new Winds of Magic supplement for WFRP for just £25 instead of £40!

With expansions there is really no need to keep the box anyway, so having that dent or even a tear is really unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

I also picked up a copy of Wings of War: Dawn of World War II, based on recommendations from the D6Generation, also damaged, but knowing FFG like I do, the contents would still be safe and sound even if you dropped a Hydrogen Bomb on the box.

So, the moral of the story is then, if you aren’t buying the game as a present, or to put in some kind of showcase, it can be worth checking out the damaged stock to grab yourself a real bargain and help you buy more games. 9 times out 10, the contents will be perfectly fine, the only problem I’ve had so far was some minor creases on the corners of my Chrononauts cards, but the game is still 100% playable and I’m having a blast with it.

A final note about Games Lore is that they still have copies of the promos for Dominion, as well as new promos for Eco and Family Fluxx.

We have promo cards for Eco Fluxx and Family Fluxx which we'll send out with copies of those games. We still have the Envoy and Black Market card sets for Dominion and they are also being sent out with the new Dominion Alchemy Expansion.

- Games Lore Newsletter -

Right then, that really is it… Hope you like the new layout and I’ll see you on Wednesday with a review about Forbidden Island.


  1. My 2 cents... ditch the new look... it's hard to read the text scrolling over a colorful photograph. Especially the side bars!

  2. Thanks for the Feedback Kevin. Rather than ditch the new look (because over all it's more functional) I've changed all the side bar text to black, this should make it much more legible than the green.

    Eventually I will change the background to something a little more gaming related when I've had chance to scroll through the html and find the right bit of code to change.

    Hope that helps



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