Iron and Ale – “Quality Time” in Gaming…

This week’s guest post comes from Tableforged’s Troy Acker. In the digital age it can sometimes be all too easy to forget that from time to time we have to put down the controller or the tablet and actually game face to face. I’m not saying that online gaming is bad, sometimes it is the only way we can connect with those gamers we just can’t see in the flesh, but bringing everyone together in the same room gives an experience that no technology can.

And that’s what Troy wants to talk to you about today… Take it away man.

Iron & Ale Cover Art Table Forged LLC ©

Some of my fondest experiences have been adventuring with friends during D&D sessions. Tabletop Gaming is not necessarily about winning or losing, but about spending time with friends. It's about sharing an experience that is in the same room and not across the internet. This is what gaming is to me. It's not about individual achievements or “gamer scores”. Games should build bonds between friends that last. You kill monsters, conquer empires and save the world, together

Our first game, 'Iron & Ale', is a game about having fun with your friends. The game does this by letting the players be Dwarves!  Players will mine, battle monster, drink together and prove their Dwarven worth at the Meadhall. We want to give players an experience that is rowdy just like Dwarves are.  'Iron & Ale' really is a Dwarven drinking adventure.The mechanics are straight forward and focused on having a fun experience. Playtesting has been a great time. The game is playable without alcohol, but of course drinking does make the experience a lot more fun.

Meadhall Card Samples

Table Forged LLC, is trying to produce a great product for gamers to enjoy. Designing and self publishing a game, from scratch, is very costly. To even think about succeeding we need the gaming community's help. Kickstarter is a fantastic venue for getting 'Iron & Ale' off the ground, and it allows us to create a product that is exactly the way we intend it to be. We have many great ideas and several games in development, but what we don't have are the necessary resources to make it happen without your help.

I want everyone to be able to have as much fun playing Iron & Ale as we have,


Table Forged, LLC
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  1. US and Canada shipping only :(

    1. Yeah, I saw that too and thats a very high target without international support!

  2. I have just gone through the article - which have drive me crazy. Specially the part - to become a dwarf drinking mead - drink and slap. But to be frank , this sounds like awesome game , Even i would like to have a try of this game.

    1. Yep, I wonder if it should come with a health and safety warning!

  3. Hello! We have recently relaunched the campaign with better art, a lower goal and international shiping! Check it out:

    Thanks again!


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