Video Sunday: Meet the UK Gaming Media Network

Hey guys and welcome to a new feature I’m calling Video Sunday. Each week we’ll have a new video, some will have been produced by me, others will be from guest bloggers or friends of the site.

This week’s video comes from the UK Games Expo, during which myself and several other members of the UKGMN stood up and talked about what blogging is all about. The video was shot and edited by the talented guys over at G*M*S Magazine.

As well as some helpful advice and insight into this world we call blogging, I also tried to cover some of what the UK Gaming Media Network was set up to do. So lets take a look.

About Video Sunday

What is Video Sunday all about? Mostly it is about promotion, in order to generate more funds to produce better quality videos at next years expo I need to put these videos in front of more eyes.

However, this is not just about promoting the my own material. Video Sunday is also open to guests who can contact me in the usual way. So if you have a great video that you’d like to share then let me know. The usual “family friendly” rules apply. I hope you enjoyed this video and I look forward to seeing what you guys have to offer.
