Board Game News 7– Shuuro, Scene-it and More…

Welcome one and all, lots of news this week so lets get right into it…

Shuuro Wrath of the Elements

A couple of weeks ago I reviewed the fun chess game Shuuro, but designer Alessio Cavatore did let me know at the UK Games Expo that the game was due to release soon in electronic format on Facebook. That day has now arrived! So, go and check out the Shuuro Beta and challenge your friends to earn new units!

Scene It Daily

For fans of the DVD Board Game Scene it, the developers Sceenlife would like you to know about their new daily app which offers daily quizzes for Music, Film, TV and Celebrities. The app is available:

At least on Android you are allowed to do 2 quizzes a day and obviously more can be unlocked if you don’t want to just play for free.

It’s a nice way to test your movie/tv trivia brain for free so check it out.

Kings Cribbage and The Mind Sports Olympiad

The guys over at Kings Cribbage UK wrote to me to let me know that they will be demoing Kings Cribbage at the Mind Sports Olympiad this year on the 26th August from 2.30pm onwards. They are looking to increase the UK awareness of this game so if you fancy trying the game out it may be worth going along.

Also, the Mind Sports Olympiad is an interesting event that I had not heard of before. The event is a series of tournaments in various classic card and board games such as Chess, Draughts and Monopoly, but also other Designer Board Games such as Lost Cities, Blokus, Acquire and more. 

If anyone will be attending the event I would be very interested in getting a report on what it was like and the events that were run. If you are going and would like to do a write up for Unboxed please contact me.

Family and Party Games

Finally would like you to know about 2 new releases they’ve got this month which are Awkward Family Photos and The Greatest Day Ever.

And that about concludes the news, check out the sites, play some games and I’ll see you all back here on Wednesday for another review!

