Unboxed is One

Well, I made it one whole year. What started out as a side project to my other blogs has really turned into a huge success. Going forward into year two I can only hope to see even more support from the community, but I want to say a really big thank you to everyone who has been a part of the site over the last year.

Thank you to everyone who has left a comment or sent an email, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you to everyone who has voted in the polls, your answers have really helped in the crafting of my bi-monthly rambles (even when you’re wrong :P) Thank you to all those who joined the twitter feed, I was afraid I might end up being the loneliest person in tweetville, so thanks for keeping me company.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the blog over the past year. Including everyone over on Board Game Geek and everyone who Follows the blog using Google/Blogger. But a special thanks to the contributors. Brad Cummings who has been a very valued member of the community here and whose work has been very well received. And Oliver Cooke whose video series Game Life has been a welcome comic distraction for me these past few months!

Finally I just wanted to note a few little changes. The first is that you will now see a couple of new links in the sidebar. The Stores button is a list of retailers I have used over the past year and is there purely as a recommended list, they do not have any affiliation with the blog that is not already plainly stated.

The second is the Gaming Resources button, this is a list of sites that I have found useful. Currently it’s a short list, in fact it just list Headless Hollow, an excellent gaming reference card site, but I hope to add more there over the coming year. If you have any suggestions for that list just comment below and I’ll check it out.

Anyone who does run a site like Headless Hollow, supplying gaming aids of one variety or another, please don’t hesitate to contact me so I can advertise you.

The final thing is the Donate button, I don’t expect anything in the form of donations for the work I do here. However for those that want to use it, it is there.

Right, that’s about it. One year down and another one ahead and what an exciting year it’s going to be. Don’t forget to check out Brad’s new review of Dixit and check back on Saturday for the second half of the Mayday Games interview.
