Board Game News 8: Dice Tower Awards, Gen Con, FFG Star Wars and More

There’s plenty of news about at the moment after Gen Con and Origins but I’m just going to cover the things that are personally interesting me or that I’ve been asked very nicely to talk about. Right then, lets get to it…

Gen Con

Superfly Pete, a member of the late Associated Gamers group and owner of the Superfly Circus has put together a fantastic magazine covering all the new goober that was on show at Gen Con Indy.

Check it out here

Dice Tower Gaming Awards 2010

The master of game reviews Tom Vasel has asked me to let you guys know that the DT Gaming Awards are up on the site along with the accompanying podcast. If you don’t normally listen to the dice tower it might be worth tuning in for this episode as these awards are voted on by a large committee of gamers that aren’t concerned with keeping the publishers sweet.

This years winners do get a little repetitive after a while though, but still some great games were nominated and some great games won so check out the list of the winners even if you don’t want to listen to the episode.

Russia invades the UK is home to Right Games, they have recently started publishing games in English and have sent me a selection to try, which I hope to be reviewing here in the next couple of months. If you want to learn more check out their site. 

Stratus Erupts onto the Scene

Stratus Games is a company that focuses on making family games, but games that are fun and easy to teach. Myself and a few other bloggers have been sent a preview copy of their latest game Eruption and I can say I’m certainly interested to play it, check out the video below.

The art is wonderful, no? Anyway, keep an eye on the blog for more info on this title and if you like what you’ve already seen the preorders are up now!

It’s a Trap

Star Wars, it’s freaking Star Wars and FFG, that’s like a match made in heaven. FFG now owns every single property license that I love, Warhammer, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. I’ve made no secret of my love of FFG on this blog, even if they don’t send me free games *sad face* and the fact that they have snagged this IP is music to my ears.

What I do find kind of interesting is that they don’t seem to have a license to produce board games set in the Star Wars universe, this seems odd given that FFG is known more for that than they are for their miniatures games. It’s a shame too because I would have loved to have seen a conquest game in the Star Wars universe from FFG, that would have been immense.

Regardless, they are still going to do great things starting with a miniature game called X-Wing, which will most likely fill the void left by the loss of Wings of War last month. Secondly they have announced a new co-op card game, which will be an LCG but designed jointly by Corey Konieczka and Nate French.

This is an interesting pairing as Nate French is already responsible for most the LCG lines at FFG  but he was also lead designer on The Lord of the Rings LCG. Corey was the lead designer on Death Angel, another co-op game which shares some features with LOTR LCG. Putting these two together could produce a better game than either could do separately as both DA and LOTR have problems, so I’ll certainly be interested to check it out.

One concern that has been raised on various forums is that this will be simply be a clone of the LOTR LCG, however, simply reading the description page shows that this is not the case. I’m certainly going to pick up the base set but we’ll see where things go from there.

It’s also worth noting that FFG has assured us that this is just the tip of the iceberg and that other games and even a Roleplaying game is in the works, so Star Wars fans keep your eyes peeled for more goodies in the future.

New Games

Finally, this weeks new game releases in the UK, these come courtesy of our friends over at Board Game Guru.

'Dixit : Odyssey' – A stand alone game with new beguiling artwork and new ways to play the 2010 SDJ winner

‘Conflict at the Carrock’ is the second adventure pack for Lord of the Rings The Card Game

‘The Shifting Sands’ is rhe first Asylum pack in the Ancient Rituals expansion for Call of Cthulhu LCG

‘Mask of the Archmaestar’ is the fifth Chapter pack in the ‘Secrets of Oldtown ‘ expansion for A Game of thrones LCG

‘Signs in the Stars’ and the ‘Eclipse of Hope’ are the fourth and fifth battle packs in the Morrslieb Cycle expansion for Warhammer Invasion.

‘A Few Acres of Snow’ – Martin Wallace’s 2 player game about the French and British struggle for supremacy in Canada is my favourite 2 player game of 2011. Its uses the ‘Dominion’ build a deck mechanic to make a challenging and asymmetrical wargame. Highly recommended

‘Field Commander: Napoleon’ is the third and most ambitious of DVG’s solitaire war games, allowing you to play individual battles of combine them into a campaign.

‘Proud Monster Deluxe’ is a huge wargame that covers the whole of the Eastern front.

‘Guderian’s Blitzkrieg II’ is a reprint of the eight game in the Operational Combat series from MMP, it can be combined with Case Blue to make a truly huge wargame

‘Victoria Cross II’ is an updated version of Worthington Games first ever release, in which players re fight the battles of the Anglo-Zulu war of 1879

‘Boots on the Ground’ , from the same publisher, is a tactical squad level game of modern combat

‘Lock and Load : Heroes of the Gap’ is a stand alone module about the first days of a hypothetical World War three

‘C3I Issue 25’ has a whole host of scenarios and variants for GMT games and includes Frank Chadwick's (Victory Pont games) ‘Battle for Moscow’ as a bonus

That’s it from me for this week, check back on Wednesday when I’ll be talking about the latest adventure pack for the Lord of he Rings LCG.
